“Hi! I’m Kaden Scott and I like to make stuff!”

I’ve been painting, collaging, making a mess and loving it for most of my life. I’m really inspired and captivated by atmospheric, heavily layered, often complex images where every time you look in, you see something new or unexpected. I don’t love the idea of being constrained by one medium. I love the experimental and flow state method of making art. I work with oil, acrylic, digital and found-document collage, and encaustic to find just the right mix to explore and communicate what my heart wants to express.

I enjoy the process and find that if I’m not I the “right” head and heart place, the work will feel forced or constrained. So, making art is actually like a meditation or the expression of creativity where it rather pours out onto the canvas. I’m often inspired by experiences of travel, relationships, revelations from meditation or breathwork journeys, or by my many design clients looking for something truly unique to them.

I’m surviving cancer. During this very odd and life-altering time, I find myself more and more drawn to work with my hands. One of my recent collections is painted entirely with my hands. Back to finger painting, I guess! I’m finding the process of pushing, pulling, swiping, dripping and scratching the medium very cathartic and freeing! Clients are loving raving about the looks and I’m thrilled by the process. - Kaden Scott

“This Too Shall Pass” | Hand-Painted Mixed Medium on Panel | 36x48 | Available $2800

“Over the Next Hill” | Mixed Medium on Panel | 72x36 | Commission Based on One of my Smaller Encaustic Works | SOLD

Selected Works